Spiritual Growth Processes

Clear Emotional Blockages &

Heal Your Relationships

Learn how you are a fractal of Source and therefore anything fully expressed turns to Bliss. We’ll outline how unexpressed emotions turn into packets of density that attract unwanted experiences. Experience a group process where you’ll identify childhood pains with your parents, then release and replace them with beautiful qualities.

Be Reborn Into a More Fulfilling Life

Karma isn’t just what happened in this and your past lives. You’ll experience a process clearing all the negative energies that imprinted you from conception to birth. Your Divine will reprogram you with auspicious qualities right down to the moments your consciousness was physically embodied.

Form a Group Consciousness

The Bible teaches that when 2 or more are gathered in God’s name, He is there. During this process you’ll experience linking your consciousness to a group and expand your 5D abilities in orders of magnitude as a result.

Receive Awakening

Awakening is a neuro-biological shift in your brain that quiets your mind and increases your abilities. Peter & Tracy will transfer Awakening to you with powerful eye Deeksha (energy transmission blessing).

Free the Unconscious Programing in Your Chakras as You’re Blessed with Auspicious Qualities

It’s not just energy that can be blocked in your Chakras. Unconscious limiting beliefs can also be trapped in your energy centers. Tracy’s Spirit Team will scan for these that are held within you and offer a

cleansing energy bath to trigger their release. Tracy & her team will then activate gifts allowing you to

live, love and create as large as you choose.

Create Personal Dimensional Portals

Peter’s Guides have shown him a powerful process to create a Dimensional Portal allowing you to shift timelines, manifest better, and move your consciousness through time and space. You’ll be presented with hard science explaining how consciousness and connectivity work at the quantum level. Together you’ll practice creating yours to empower the fulfillment of your desires.

Remove Limiting Soul Overlays

Because you have free will, many of us entered this Earthly life with vows made in past lives that shut down your ability to connect with Spirit, receive abundance or fulfill your creativity. Tracy’s Spirit Team will work with the group to identify yours. You’ll be given the opportunity to rescind the vows stifling you and open up to your Spirit Team aiding you creating the satisfying life you desire.

See Yourself Through The Eyes of

The Divine

You’ve heard how God is love and only sees you with unconditional love. Now you’ll be able to experience it. You’ll be guided in a process to view yourself through God’s eyes and feel how powerfully you are loved. You’ll never look at yourself in the same way again!